Preview: Döner Haus, Glasgow

Hello hello hello hello hello. The last time we figuratively spoke, I went to Sunderland to eat a kebab. Whilst this was a worthwhile experience (see Döner Haus Sunderland), it’s not something I could do on a regular basis – it takes time, money, commitment, and above all, a big lack of something better to do […]

Döner Haus, Sunderland

Alreet. I can’t place *exactly* where I was, but it must have been somewhere between Alnmouth (for Alnwick) and Newcastle (for Newcastle) when I had not one, but two epiphanies:  firstly, that travelling 130-odd miles for a kebab was immensely tragic, and secondly, isn’t 35 a bit young to be having a mid-life crisis in […]